Not a Good Start to Things

Spent most of last night and today trying to install software so I could game today with the group. Ran into all sorts of troubles. (I find it "amusing" that Windows XP says that MS's very own DirectX is not safe to install.) I *finally* got the game to run right and even ran around a little bit. I just can't install any of the plug-ins that would enable me to cast my own buffs or see what loot is on corpses without searching them. Sent e-mail indicating that I was having trouble to the group (which includes the three biggest geeks I know) and asked for help. Got no response.

Gaming was supposed to happen today "afternoonish". It's now after 5pm. If I had to guess I'd say the guys decided to game and didn't bother to tell me about it. I had really been looking forward to doing something interactive with someone besides myself and looking forward to gaming with the guys for the first time in probably two years. I am apparently supposed to magically know when to jump in to the game and where to find people. This is the same issue that came up repeatedly when I lived in the same town as everybody else. They would manage to contact each other and arrange for a group meal, but they were unable to call me or send me e-mail that gaming is about to commence. I truly do not understand how one additional phone call or e-mail is such a terrible burden. I really wish I could convince people that I am *NOT* psychic.

My head is killing me and I'm in a foul mood. What a great way to start a new year. Yippee. And I haven't gotten any knitting or spinning done. I think this makes an even dozen of crummy starts to the New Year. At least I didn't get any phone calls last night or today telling me all about the party I didn't get invited to. Ugh.


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