Is It Really That Difficult to Understand?

For the third Tuesday in a row, I have attempted to participate in a web-based course from the CDC/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Today I even posted a sign at the entrance to my cube that I was in the class from noon to 2pm in hopes that I wouldn't get interrupted. So at 1:10pm a co-worker sneaks into my cube and starts rifling through the papers on my desk. I asked if I could help her with something. She said she was looking for the papers she had asked me to find for her when I was on my lunch break. I told her that I would be happy to find the information for her when I was through with the class at 2pm. The reply was that she wanted to work on it before the day was over (at 4:30pm) and if she just dug through things now I wouldn't have to do anything with it.

That's great logic except for one thing: The piles of stuff she was sorting through and then wanted to stack up and move to her cube were actually in some semblance of order. Some of the data had been entered in the computer and only needed to be filed. Some of it had problems. Some of it hadn't been entered. You get the picture. I ended up hanging up from the class to prevent things from getting completely mixed up and even then she took a 2 inch stack of paperwork and mixed it in with her paperwork. In any event, I told her we didn't have the paperwork she wanted. Guess what? We still don't have it, plus I missed ten minutes of the class and I have to re-arrange things on my desk again so stuff doesn't get mis-filed.

Why am I so tweaked about the paperwork getting re-arranged? Because I'm dealing with a huge amount of paperwork. I am tracking about 4000 contacts to some TB cases, each with multiple test results. I am not kidding when I say the stack of data I have to enter into the database is 14 inches tall. The stack of data already entered is probably in the area of 34 inches tall. I've suggested that assistance in handling filing would be good, but that doesn't seem to be remembered. So, I spend my days doing data entry and filing paperwork. I have gotten rather attached to my data and I work hard to keep it in order so that it remains useful. Let's face it, 12,000 unsorted pieces of paper aren't particularly useful.

Feasting on Asphalt
One of my favorite TV shows is coming back in a week. What made me think of it today was seeing four well-decked out touring bikes (non-Harleys) heading east on I-40 as I went west. Very similar set of bikes to those ridden by Alton Brown and gang in the show. I imagine it wasn't them, but I'll just pretend anyway.

Blog Buttons
I have added my fiber blog to a couple of fiber blog webrings. These webrings have buttons to add to the side of my blog. I have the button image downloaded. I have added the webring code to the blog. I cannot yet figure out how to add the silly buttons. I know how to upload pictures to the body of my blog, but not to the sidebars. I haven't actually read the directions on how to get this done, mind you. I may yet have to resort to looking it up. *sigh*


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