Today's Entertainment

At the police department:
I misread a citizen's middle name. I could have sworn someone named their child Sashimi. On closer examination, it was actually Shashmi or Sashmi (I forget which). Kate commented that at least they didn't pick Unagi. *eeeeew!* Tiggers do NOT like unagi.

The police were called to an address for either a domestic disturbance or a loud party. A resident at the address allowed the police to enter for a welfare check. The police then found a subject hiding in the bathtub. Said subject had a valid warrant and was arrested.

Two people were reportedly having sex in a car parked in a driveway. Upon the arrival of the police, both parties denied the allegation. Oopsie. At least they weren't having an "amorous discussion" in the police department parking lot, as has been done in the past. :o)

The spider mites are back. Half the things I picked up off my desk had a mite on it. I escorted each of them to the plant on the filing cabinet. They're cute little buggers, but they only come out for a week or two each spring, then vanish. I wonder where they go in between times.

Elsewhere in life:
I was very nearly a dork again. I came very close not to washing a ball point pen with my uniform, but washing my ENTIRE WALLET! Fortunately, I chose to fill my pockets this morning before starting my laundry. Usually, I do the opposite. YIKES!

I watered the new grass this afternoon. I looked out the kitchen window 30 minutes later to see a squirrel sitting under the bird feeder eating spilled seed. A rather wet squirrel. Apparently he didn't think the water part was enough of a bother to get in the way of lunch. After I turned off the sprinkler, I re-filled the bird feeder and left some seeds for him. Since I watered the grass, it rained heavily this evening.

Can't think of any other goofy things that happened today. At least the rain may have washed off some of the dust on my car. Tomorrow I'll try to get some photos of places in town I want to remember and start getting packed and get planning done for moving. It's all becoming *real*....


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