Crabby Thursday

I know Thursday is supposed to be Sandwich Day (see Lilo and Stitch for an explanation), but it turned out to be Crabby Thursday instead. Nothing major happened, just a bunch of little things....

Both of the calls my partner and I got sent to had screwed up dispatches. For the first one, we never were dispatched via radio, we got pages saying we had a call. The dispatcher upstairs didn't think we were supposed to go, but our primary dispatcher thought we were, so away we went. Good thing the patient wasn't critical because there was a delay of over 5 minutes. For the second call we were told the car crash had happened "some time ago" and that the fire dept was on scene. The accident hadn't apparently happened very long ago because the sheriff's deputy wasn't even there yet and the FD wasn't there, just one firefighter on his way home. Good thing the impact was behind the driver's door, not in the driver's door, because we'd have needed extra manpower AND extrication equipment. The fire department didn't know anything about the accident until someone noticed we were trying to call them and ask about the number of patients and vehicles involved. Then they self-dispatched.

I'm supposed to have dinner with a friend on Sunday but he won't answer his phone or pages and I haven't any idea when dinner is supposed to actually be. He supposedly shuts off his phone/pager now on weekends or at least won't answer it any time I call, so it's a safe bet that I won't be hearing from him at all. I really shouldn't be surprised, but it bugs me that he was all excited about the idea when I suggested it, yet lets it all drop. I know he's unreliable, but it still hurts that I don't even rate the courtesy of a phone call. Funny how he can manage to answer calls/pages when he's around me, but apparently can't answer calls/pages from me. I probably ought to just write him off completely as a friend, but I haven't got many friends at the moment.

Found out another friend of mine, who also no longer returns e-mail pings, spent a week in California at a conference. A co-worker said he'd met someone who knew me out there and that she was pretty neat. You'd think I'd have heard about it directly from the friend, but apparently not. We used to get together regularly or at least send e-mail back and forth, but she's not responded the past couple messages. I guess that's a sign too. I used to at least get a note saying she was busy and would write soon. Oh well...

So basically I'm on my own. I have a local support network of one--me. The only friend I can really claim right now is Mitch and he's on the other side of the country, busy with a new job and new apartment. The time zone difference isn't helping much either. About the time he's ready/able to chat on the phone I'm going to bed.

And to top it all off...tomorrow's the first day in a long time that I can ride my motorcycle and the predicted high is in the lower 60s. So it'll be cold in the morning. It's been in the 70s to lower 80s the past few days when I couldn't ride. Figures.

I was planning to see a movie this weekend for something to do, but of course there's nothing out that I want to see. Why is it that all the movies I do want to see come out simultaneously when I haven't the time to go to see them, but once I do have time there isn't anything I want to spend money on? Is that the movie corollary to Murphy's Law? I guess I'll have to satisfy myself with videos from the library instead. Thank goodness they've got an extensive selection.


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