Happy Spring!

Well, technically, the start of Spring was yesterday, but today was indeed the first full day of spring. I celebrated by having getting the preliminary lab results back on one of our new TB suspects. He's really really really infectious. Oopsies.

I'm a Sourdough!
Well, not quite yet. I got a packet of dried sourdough starter in the mail yesterday. It's descended from a starter that moved to Oregon in the 1800s via covered wagon. Carl Griffith decided to share the starter that had been handed down for generations in his family. Now that Carl has passed on, his friends are keeping up the good work. I am the proud keeper of a few ounces of Carl's 1847 Oregon Trail Sourdough Starter. Carl's brochure includes recipes and directions on how to feed/store the starter. I figure I'll reconstitute the starter in the next week or two and see what I can do with it. I've been wanting a pet and this one ought to be fairly well behaved with regular feeding and exercise.

How do you get the starter? Send the group a self-addressed stamped envelope. That's it. In about six to eight weeks you get the envelope back with a small ziptop bag inside that holds the dried starter. That's it. And if I happen to kill my starter before I get some dried as a backup, I can always send away for more.


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