Just shoot me....

Well, maybe it isn't *quite* that bad.... Afterall, I am presently sitting in a lovely air-conditioned room, blogging from the comfort of my couch and watching Tomb Raider on TV. (You gotta like a girl who doesn't compromise her principles and will kill you if you get in the way. Who wants to wait for the men of the world to take care of everything for you?) If I decide I can't stand the commercial interruptions, I have X2 on DVD and several other video/DVD selections from the library to keep the boredom at bay

It's been a rather "challenging" week, to say the least here's the saga:

The New Job
I got e-mail from the HR person telling me they need a copy of my transcript now, or they will be unable to submit the paperwork to get my appointment approved. So there's another delay. I had gotten what was supposed to be the complete packet of papers back to them by the beginning of the week. Now they won't have all the paperwork until Monday. Then it will be submitted to the central office for approval, which, I have been informed, may take up to a month. Grrrrr. I had intended to start the new job by July 1. That would mean having two week's notice in to my present job by, well, today. I had intended that on or around June 15 would be my last day. Not likely to work that way now as I am most definitely not giving final notice to my current job until the new job is absolutely positively approved and mine and all the paperwork is signed, etc. So now the start date is getting closer to August 1.

I don't know if that's good or bad. It may give me enough time to get a house purchased before I get moved in. Or at least to find a decent house to rent. I was giving serious consideration to just renting a house, since I may well not stay at this job longer than 3 years to gain experience. I dunno.

Wishing that things would just hurry up and come together....

Fire College
I'm only teaching one course this year--EMS Leadership and Management. Half the guest speakers cancelled late in the game. As of noon today, we didn't know if the med evac chopper was going to be able to make it or if the University would let it land near our teaching site. Fortunately it all worked out. The students said they all learned stuff. Everybody thought the chopper was great. It did make a lovely impression swooping in to land and taking off. Kudos to Lt. Dave Nelson for making all the arrangements. Technically, the spot they used is a LZ for when the Stadium is being used as a Surge Facility (in the event of a major disaster).

Now the class is over. I'm exhausted. I stressed about having enough material for the course. I made up almost 20 slides last night. The course evals said that the class was useful, which I'm happy about. They also said I was most excellent. :o) I'm glad I didn't disappoint anybody.

Working this weekend:
I have the opportunity to work a stand-by at FSI tomorrow. It would be 8 hours of hanging out in the ambulance, probably watching DVDs or reading or working on the mapbooks or the Firehouse guide. I could use the money. I could also use a day to sleep until I wake up, spend the morning in my PJs and just wander around my apartment getting things back in order. A mental health day. I'm leaning heavily toward taking the mental health day and giving up the money. I am completely brain dead right now. I could quite easily start drooling on myself.

As evidence of how braindead I am, I am giving up a free dinner at the Institute tonight and am going to forego the Open House festivities. No LP burn for me tonight. Or any other sort of fun. No hanging out and having fun with my FD colleagues. Oh well....

There's something to be said for vegging on the couch... I can be sociable later.

What to do this weekend:
I'm thinking pretty much absolutely nothing. I was thinking about going to the farmer's market in the morning, but that will entirely depend upon whether or not I feel like getting out of bed in the morning. Right now the answer is no. I have plenty of produce right now anyway. I even have strawberries again. Of course, the dessert of choice at the moment is rhubarb pie, but I have strawberries for my morning Cheerios, which is delightful, since the bananas at the grocery store were lime green in color and unacceptable to purchase.

Other things to do: read more. clean things, like the bathroom and the kitchen and the pile of crap on my dining table. Ride my motorcycle if it's not raining. Maybe go see a movie. Catch up on reading and knitting and maybe find a job, just in case the new job thing doesn't pan out, which I'm starting to seriously wonder about....

In other news:
Mitch is shooting fiber in Reno. Shooting as in testing it, rather than firing on poor defenseless spools of fiber-optic cable. They are inventorying the stockpile of fiber for SC06, testing it and figuring out what they'll need to get the job done in November.

Told my dad that I'm moving. Of course, now that may change, if they don't get their crap together. Gained 4 pounds in the past 10 days by eating out at lunch and not making the world's best choices when eating out. I also spent way too much money on lunch for the happiness of my budget.

Saw Over the Hedge last week. It was hilarious. Now Mitch and I are sending quotes from the movie to each other via text message. "You're the devil." "I'm not allowed to have caffeine." "Play?" "Have you graduated from Verminator Tech? I didn't think so." and so on.... Hammy reminds me of me on too much caffeine.

Well, time to finish drooling on the couch.... I suspect I'll be in bed by 9pm tonight.


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