Lobbing it up....

Ok, so that was lame. It was all I could htink of. :o)

Feriel and Northwestern won their matches at the Big 10 tournament today. They play again tomorrow against Michigan in the finals. Tom is working the standby. I didn't get a chance to take his picture with Feriel today, but perhaps tomorrow. I don't know that I'll get over there since I have the day off and a ton of things to do, but I might get there before teaching.

I have lectures to write/prepare for 9+ chapters of the Basic course at the Institute. The first day I taught there wseemed to go just fine. We'll see how MOnday, Tuesday and Friday go. The class sseems to like how I teach and interacts quite well. I need to come up with some active learning activities and scenarios for them to do so they get more practice with the skills they need to know to be goood, successful EMT-Bs.

Sockie Sockie!
Been workingo n my gray wool twist and ribbing sock. I don't remember where the pattern came from. I think it was the internet, but IK don't remember for sure. I've got the first sock of the apir down to the heel flap, so I guess i"m 1/4 done with the pair. With some consistent work on it, I could be done with the sock by the end of the week. I don't think that will happen though. Too many things to do.

Speaking of things to do, here's my "list"

tune-up tiller and change sparkplug.

till up backyard and re-seed it. possibly put in small veggie garden for lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, etc. Not sure I could ikeep the damn neighbor kids out of it though.

Create reading list of books I've always wanted to read or that everybody "should" read, like Anna Karenina.

Develop list of meals to simplify my grocery shopping. I've started this before but the lists are in multiple places and not well organized.

Finish the gray socks and the lace socks. Figure out what socks to knit next. Finish up the gray sweater I've been working on for six years. Seam up the green polo sweater and go through the rest of my WIPs to see what needs to be finished or frogged.


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