Continuing the good-byes....

I spent my last day at CPD today. There were probably 60 interview cards to enter. Deputy Chief Troy stopped by to say thanks, told me that I rock and wished me good luck. He also said I'd always have a home at CPD, so to be sure and visit when I'm back in town.

I insisted on having Cindy and Carol get their picture taken with me. Cindy protested, but we wouldn't let her get away with not participating. This photo will join the collection on my new desk in Jackson. I've got just the perfect frame to put it in. It's pink and orange with flowers sticking out the top.

I'm debating baking cookies tonight or tomorrow for the Investigations crew. They do have a morning meeting at which cookies would probably be well-received.

It's going to be wierd not going in to CPD every week. I've been going there for almost six years now. It's always been a lot of fun, between the interesting characters at the department and the amusing things people do to get stopped by the police. I'll definitely be keeping in touch and stopping by to see folks when I'm in town.


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