Crunch Time

Ok, so in addition to the 1.5 jobs I'm doing at work, I have to get three presentations pulled together this week. I mostly have the one for tomorrow morning finished. I just need to tweak it and run through it a couple times to get it solidified in my head. Then I have to finish the poster for next week and send it to the co-authors for review. The final presentation is a 2 hour powerpoint presentation that is an updating/revision of a talk I have given for three years now, so that will be fairly easy. Not only that, but I don't have to give the presentation since I'll be at the poster conference instead.

So now that I'm really tired, I need to hammer my way through the first talk tonight. Tomorrow I'll finish up the poster and get it sent off for formatting and final revisions. Tomorrow night I'll finish up an unrelated writing project. The final presentation could be put off as late as Saturday, but I'd like to get it done earlier than that. Like by bedtime Friday.


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